Monday, August 31, 2009

Women of Faith

Let me preface this post by informing/reminding you that my mom is the greatest mom ever, and that's no exaggeration. She bought 10 tickets to the Women of Faith Conference and asked Kristen and me to invite some of our friends. Jessica was not able to come and it was bitter-sweet. Bitter because we obviously wanted her there for a super fun girls weekend, but sweet because she accepted a job as a 2nd grade teacher and could not come because she was in training that Friday. We are so thankful that the Lord provided her with that job - she's going to be one fun teacher! Kristen invited some of her friends: Jill, Jenny, Jessica and Kimberly and I invited some of my friends: Andrea, Bonnie and Naked Nancy.

We stayed at a hotel close to the American Airlines Center (where the conference was held), Hotel Lawrence, and although it wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, we had a great time! There was actually a ghost crew there from Everyday Paranormal documenting some ghosts or something. Andrea, Bonnie, Naked Nancy and I made our own mockumentary, below.

The verse for the weekend was “The Lord's love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning . . .” Lamentations 3:22-23. It was such a refreshing weekend, and a much needed time of reflection, fellowship, encouragement and laughter. The whole conference was great but one speaker, Lisa Whelchel (The Facts of Life), said something that really encouraged me. To give you some insight into my life, my prayer every day is that my thoughts, actions, and words would be glorifying to God. I go to work and get caught up in all of the chaos. When I get home, I can't recall doing or saying anything that might have been pleasing to God. To be honest, I feel the weight of my sinful heart and I pretty much feel like a failure in life. Just being honest. So Lisa talked about "the facts of life," saying that there are both good and bad things that accompany this thing we call life. She said that despite those bad things, the dirty sin that we constantly battle with, God still whispers to his children, "I love you. You delight my heart." It's just crazy to me that the One who puts stars in their place and calls them each by name (Psalm 147:4), the One who mountains and rivers praise (Psalm 98:8), the One who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand (Isaiah 40:12), delights himself in me (Psalm 18:19). I'm filled with awe and joy that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and came to save sinners like little 'ol me.

Be encouraged that the Lord's love never ends. He loves you right now, wherever you are in life. He doesn't love the past you or the future you any more than he loves you right now.

Here is a picture of our group. Thanks again, Mom, for providing these tickets to us so selflessly and allowing us to experience a weekend that encouraged our hearts!

P.S. This was also a special weekend for my mom and dad - They celebrated 38 years of marriage on August 21st! Mom and Dad - Thanks for displaying to us such a sweet marriage filled with ups and downs, yet constantly holding tight to the love you have for Christ and each other.


dabradberrys said...

Thanks honey. I had a great time attending with all of you. Sheila Walsh and Patsy Clairmont are still my all time favorites.

Love, MOM

P. S. Your dad is hiding in the corner--too scared of the ghost, so he told me to let you know he read the blog too.

Dave, Kristen, Katelyn, Anna, and Ben McCurdy said...

Love love love this post! What a fun weekend that was!

Andrea Frick said...

Awww this is presh! Yeah go women of faith!

Jessica said...

little did we know that after the picture was taken of mom and dad, she flicked the spoon of food at him!

Mom and Pop said...

I certainly agree! Your mother is GREAT! But I would add her three daughters are great also. I'm very proud of the faith all three of you demonstrate.

I might add I have tried to comment on your blog numerous times but never can get it to publish.....maybe this time

Love ya'