Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What the Hail?

Ali and I went to our friends' softball game on Monday night and it was a good time had by all. Although they did not end up winning, they still played really well. Towards the end of the game, the weather got crazy - it was really windy and started lightning. It wasn't that cold, just windy. So typically when there is lightning, it's followed by rain, right? Sure. We would all assume that. But hail? Really? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it started hailing right after we got home. What the heck is happening? It sounds like someone is throwing rocks at our window. Nope, hail. Me, being the selfless person that I am, let Ali park her car in the covered parking spot while poor Claire (my car) got pounded by skittle-sized hail! Here is a video...


Dave, Kristen, Katelyn, Anna, and Ben McCurdy said...

Crazy weather! Crazy girls!

dabradberrys said...

so was your car damaged? funny you haven't mentioned this all week.