Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh Nuts!

I traveled to Austin for a conference this week and Kristen and Katelyn tagged along... to Austin, not my conference. My dad had Wednesday and Thursday off and it just so happened that those were the two days we were in town - perfect! The car ride there and back was a little intense. Katelyn got a little moody and decided to throw to the side anything we handed to her to get her to stop whining. Kristen's dancing to Michael Buble did the trick. I've never been so thankful to hear laughter! While in Austin, we were able to spend some quality Bradberry time together each night. Unfortunately, Evan and Dave were not able to be there.

Katelyn is learning to mimic things that she hears. Most recently, she started saying some things she heard from Kristen. I guess I should try to stop saying "poopy head". Here is a video of Katelyn saying her new favorite phrase.

PS. I know the video is sideways, okay? Get over it.

1 comment:

Dave, Kristen, Katelyn, Anna, and Ben McCurdy said...

She is so cute!!! Thanks for sharing this video with the world! And yes, "Poopyhead" should go ahead and be added to your "what not to say" list. :)