Friday, October 31, 2008

I am Alive and Well

For all of you avid readers out there (my family), I apologize for my lack of postings. I do not have any excuses, just an apology. I am going to start my new year resolutions early and one of them is to blog at least once a week. I would love to say that I will blog everyday, but I just don't think my life is exciting enough to do that. So at this stage in my life, I only have enough excitement for one post a week.

So one of the things that I get to do at work is plan events for our employees. I really enjoy it because I get to meet people at the office that I don't normally see and talk to people in other offices that I don't normally talk to. Two weeks ago, 41 people from our office attended the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Dallas. TAC sponsored all of our registration fees and I was able to order some t-shirts specifically for our team. I walked in the 5K with two of my favorite people at work, Angela and Alison, and it was such a great experience! There were over 25,000 people from across the state who participated in the race and the race brought in $2.2 million to use towards breast cancer research and awareness. TAC also has a gift matching program and they will match the $1,600 our team was able to raise for the event. (Picture 1: TAC employees from the Dallas office who participated in the race. Picture 2: Part of our team, left to right: Alison, Melissa, Sara, Me, Jason and Angela. Picture 3: Marissa and me.)

I joined a gym. My friend Bonnie and I will go at least 3 times a week after work. We meet at a 24 Hour Fitness that is halfway between our offices - it's perfect! Although we strained every single muscle in our neck at our first abs class, we decided to suck it up, get a heating pad, and have at it again the next day. I'm looking forward to getting in shape while spending time with Bonnie and people watching - it's a deathly combination. (The look below is the look I am going for - what do you think?)

Ali's mom sent her a Charlie Brown Halloween puzzle in the mail and we've been working diligently on it while we watch TV in the evenings. I'm not really sure who cut these pieces, but I think they were on drugs. These puzzle pieces are shaped weird and I'm not a fan. One of my best friends, Brittany, came over to play the other night and we started working on the puzzle together. I was convinced we had lost some pieces, but they would show up just as I had given up and moved on to another piece of the puzzle. We started making up songs for the puzzle pieces we were looking for. Our songs were descriptions of the pieces. For example, we sang about a boot and a leg with a tiny bit of white and a lot of purple - it was really funny (maybe you had to be there) and not to mention, it worked! (Our puzzle does not look like this one yet, but it will soon!)

Tonight I decided to leave my skanky Halloween costume at the store and went to my friend Marissa's instead to relax. She cooked some bow tie pasta with spinach and chicken and a white cream sauce - it was delish! After dinner we watched the movie, "You, Me and Dupree" (Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson) and it was pretty cute. Then we just started talking about our friends and family, the power of the Lord, and our college sororities. It was a great night. At dinner I had asked that the Lord would bless our conversation and he did just that. Tomorrow morning we are going to a class at my church called "How to Study the Bible." Let's be honest, the bible is a bit overwhelming and Jesus just says some confusing things. So I'm thankful for the offering of a class like this and I think it will be very beneficial for both of us.

That's all I got. Goodnight!


dabradberrys said...

Gosh, I was way behind on your posts! Hadn't seen the August and September ones. Really cute. You are precious. Love you, MOM

dabradberrys said...

Sorry I wasn't flexed for the picture. Also, you need more family pics of your mom and dad. Love Dad

Dave, Kristen, Katelyn, Anna, and Ben McCurdy said...

Loooooved this post!! Thanks for the update! I love the look you're going for! Keep up the good work at the gym!